
  Principal Investigator                                                                             

Gui-Geng LIU, Ph.D.


Assistant Professor, Westlake University

Department of Electronic and Information

Engineering, School of Engineering

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 Xuanyu YING 应轩宇

  2024 Assistant Research Fellow | Yangtze Delta Region Institute of Tsinghua University

  2016 B.S. | Zhejiang Gongshang University


  Postdoctoral Researcher                                                               

Yuchen PENG 彭宇宸

  2024 Ph.D. | Hunan University

  2018 B.S. | Henan University of Technology


  Doctoral Students                                                                                     

Bo ZHAO 赵   博

 2023 B.S. |  Shanxi Univ.

Shuaiyang WEI 魏帅阳

  2024 M.S. | South China Normal Univ.

  2020 B.S. | Hunan Univ.


  Visiting Scholars                                                                                        

Wenrong QI 齐文荣

Lecturer | Henan Normal Univ.

 2020 Ph.D. |  Nankai Univ. 

2015 B.S. |  Henan Normal Univ.

Jianfei LI 李健飞

Postdoctoral Fellow | Harbin Tech

  2024 Ph.D. | Harbin Tech

  2020 M.S. | Hebei Univ. of Technology

   2017 B.S. | Handan Univ.



Doctoral Graduate


Visiting Scholar

Mengdan ZHAO 2024